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Dido - Afraid to sleep

We slept in this room together
but now you're gone
It's so quiet, I'll turn the TV on

We lived in this room together
We painted the walls
Now time doesn't stand still -- it crawls

And I'm afraid to sleep
cause if I do I'll dream of you
And the dreams are always deep
on the pillow where I'll weep

I never realized how much I was in love with you
till you started sleeping with someone new
Last night I dreamed again, and you were there
You kissed my face; you touched my hair

And I'm afraid to sleep
cause if I do I'll dream of you
And the dreams are always deep
on the pillow where I'll weep

Lyin' alone in the darkness
with a memory in my head
There's a big hole where my heart is
and a lonlely feeling rolling 'round my bed

And I'm afraid to sleep
cause if I do I'll dream of you
And dreams are always deep
on the pillow where I'll weep

On the pillow where I'll weep
I'm afraid to sleep

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 304

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