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Diana King - I say a little prayer

Say a little prayer for you,
Say a little prayer for you

From the moment mi wake up
Before mi put on mi make up
Mi say a little prayer for you

While combing mi hair now
Mi a wonder what dress me wear now
Mi say a little prayer for you

Forever and ever
You’ll stay in my heart and I’ll love you
Forever and ever
We never will part how I’ll love you
Together together
That’s how it should be
Without you would only be heartbreak for me

Mi run for the bus love
Mi ride and mi think about us love
Mi say a little prayer for you

At work mi just take time
And all through mi coffee break time
Mi say a little prayer for you

Forever and ever
You’ll stay in my heart and I’ll love you
Forever and ever
We never will part and I’ll love you
Together together
That’s how it should be
Without you would only be heartbreak for me

Say a little prayer for you, mi a go say
A little prayer for you

My darling believe me, for me
There is no one but you,
Say you’ll love me too.

Forever and ever
You’ll stay in my heart and I’ll love you
Forever and ever
We never will part and I’ll love you
Together together
That’s how it should be.....
Forever and ever
You’ll stay in my heart and I’ll love you
Forever and ever
We never will part and I’ll love you
Together together
That’s how it should be wïthout you
Would only be heartbreak for me

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 373

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