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Desire - A ride in a dream crow

I can hear it...
I can hear the Crow... the Crow...

Buried and forgotten, in these shadows of past,
I wait the songless bird, whose nest is my rest.
This gasp of trust is something like a refuge...
Will be this lustful voyage really the last?

Now, I can see... she's rising from delight...
The lady in black... she brings me the Crow...
The naked mistress... blesses me with immortality,
As I fly on wings of lust to the unconquered lands...

Among the night the Crow dances wild
On the gentle embrace of his wings,
While his generous chant is spread by the winds,
Conquering the silence of the screams from tranquillity...

Now, I can see... the shadow of the moonlight...
The forest of pleasures... the tree of wisdom...
These skies of virtue... clouds of eternal suffering...
This endless river is swallowing me with darkness...

Dance with me... Infinity...

My eyes are bleeding with these visions of lost dreams,
Each Tear of mine, for each silent moment of Desire...
I'm awaking for the eternal night at the dream land,
In this crystal temple, in this everlasting age...
Here are the flames that froze my heart...
That blackness that shows me lïght...

Versuri de la: http://www.versuri.ro/

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 269

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