She comes to her senses
But her senses are gone
Her eyes are so crying
Turning love into stone
She's nothing but memories
Playing loud on repeat
Ripping beats down her soul through
Her shivering feet.
She'll be down on the floor
Begging him to come home
He'd look over his shoulder and say: , , Noooo!"
She'll be crying till dawn
Turning love into stone
Whats the reason to love, if you die and oooo?
It's breaking my heart to see her crying
It hurts like the bid was me
She'd forgive him again
No begining to end
Love is all that she wants it
But love was never her friend
She wipes the tears
From off her face
This isn't her, no
This is not her place
She never cried
She had self esteeme
She was never last
Until the day was him
She comes to her senses
But her senses are gone
Her eyes are so crying
Turning love into stone
She's nothing but memories
Playing loud on repeat
Ripping beats down her soul through
Her shivering feet.
She'll be down on the floor
Begging him to come home
He'd look over his shoulder and say: , , Noooo!"
She'll be crying till dawn
Turning love into stone
Whats the reason to love, if you die and oooo?
It's breaking my heart to see her crying
It hurts like the bid was me
She'd forgive him again
No begining to end
Love is all that she wants it.
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 367
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