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Dan Hill - All I Want is You

I don't want my name in lights
You burn out so fast
You turn to smoke in the night
Baby, all I want is you

I don't want no presidential parlor
It's a little too clean in that big white tower
Baby, all I want is you

I don't wanna be born again
Rest my soul in your hands
Take my chance in the end
Baby, all I want is you

And all, all my life I've waited
For you to come along
There's been so many strangers in my life
Filled with the dark spaces of my night
But now the darkness is all gone

I don't want no social graces
Get too damn dizzy
Wearing all those different faces
Baby, all I want is you
All I want is you

All, all my life I've waited
For you to come along
There's been so many strangers in my life
Filled with the dark spaces of my night
But now the darkness is all gone

I don't want my name in lights
You burn out so fast
You turn to smoke in the night
Baby, all I want is you
All I want is you
All I want is you
All, all, all I want is you
All I want is you

Categoria: Versuri melodii

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Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 344

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