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Creedence Clearwater Revival - Have you ever seen the rain?

(J. Fogerty)
Someone told me long ago There's a calm before the storm,
I know; It's been comin' for some time.
When it's over, so they say, It'll rain a sunny day,
I know; Shinin' down like water.
I want to know, Have you ever seen the rain?
I want to know, Have you ever seen the rain
Comin' down on a sunny day?

Yesterday, and days before, Sun is cold and rain is hard,
I know; Been that way for all my time.
'Til forever, on it goes Through the cïrcle, fast and slow,
I know; It can't stop, I wonder.


Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 629

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