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Crazy Win - Beautiful Lover

Before you came I was lost
My dream was falling apart
Nobody came at my door
But you came right from the start

I realize in the end that love has came back to me
You bring it back to me
Before you came I was lost
My dream was falling apart

You’ve changed my life now
Because I loved you right from the start
Don’t be afraid to get lost
Don’t be afraid let it be
Cuz baby you’ve got me

Bridge: These crazy summer days are high
They took your love away and I
Feel beautiful dreams inside

Refren : I got what I need from my beautiful lover
I truly believe this is love I’ve discovered
I got what I need from my beautïful lover

And I fly…

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 483

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