This is a sweet song, its about love
Love is all need
Id do anything, would give everything if I could bring back those nights
When we were loving, then we were playing, then yous say
Do you love me baby, as I love you, baby tell me do you?
And then I would kiss you and say I guess I do
Id do anything, would give everything if I could bring back those nights
When we were teasing, then we were fighting, then youd cry
Do you promise baby that youd never ever leave me, do you?
And then I would hold you and say I guess I do
I wonder why, we cant be together one more time
Baby all I do is wonder why
I wish I could be again with you, and talk with you
I wonder why, we cant be together one more time
Baby all I do is wonder why
I wish I could make it up to you
And dry your eyes
I wonder why
Eh, eh, eh boy
Tell me something nice, and dont lie to me
So can you forgive me my baby girl?
So can you come back my baby girl?
Give me your smile and dry your eyes
I promise to never again make you cry
So can you forgive me my baby girl?
So can you come back my baby girl?
Give me your smile and dry your eyes
I promise to never again make you cry
I cont make you cry
I wonder why, we cant be together one more time
Baby all I do is wonder why
I wish I could be again with you, and talk to you
I wonder why, we cant be together one more time
Baby all I do is wonder why
I wish I could make ït up to you
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 551
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