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City High - Caramel

You can say I'm plain Jane, but it's not the same
I ain't in to big names, but I like nice things
I watch boxing matches and uh football games
I wouldn't mind being an actress, but I love to sing
I like going out, talking walks and stuff
I don't round that many girls cause they talk too much
I enjoy quiet nights at home cause I'm next to ya
Though I'm ain't a virgin that don't mean I'm having sex with ya

Anywhere I go I'm spotted
And anything I want I got it
5'5" with brown eyes
Smile like the sunrise

Anywhere I go I'm spotted
And anything I want I got it
5'5" with brown eyes
Smile like the sunrise

Baby look me in the eyes
And tell me ya
I'm the kinda girl you like
I'm feeling you
Coz sweetie you're my kinda guy
Thinking about you and I
I wanna run with this
All night long
And if you want me we can keep this going
Let me tell you I'm the type that's strong
And I don't trust a lot of men I'm independent
I ain't like some other woman

Anywhere I go I'm spotted
And anything I want I got it
5'5" with brown eyes
Smile like the sunrise

Anywhere I go I'm spotted
And anything I want I got it
5'5" with brown eyes
Smile like the sunrise

And I keep and I keep my mind
Baby girl don't you know you're a star
We could take a little trip to mi casa
Spend the night popping cris in the hot tub
See I ain't never seen no girl like you
Every sexy little thing you do
5'5" brown eyes with your thick thighs
Every time I see your smile its got me hypnotïzed

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 387

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