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Claudia Cream - Candy

How many boys wanna...
How many boys wanna
How many boys wanna
How many boys wanna
(yeah, like that)
Ladies, leave all the drama
Tonight do what you wanna (Check it out!)
Come on, let's pop a bottle
(How many girls wanna jump and hump on?)
Fellas seen what they likenin'
Hopin' to get a bite of
Once on the floor we ain't gon'stop
(How many girls gonna make it hot-hot?)
(Jump it up!)
Do it to me, do it to me
(Jump it up!)
Do it to me, do it to me
(Jump it up!)
Do it to me, do it to me
(Jump it up!)
All this candy
This is what I'm gottin if you're
Do it, make something on me
Candy, yours this candy
When this missy
Really got the floor
gettin' busy
Can you handle this
All this candy
Candy, candy
(oh, oh, oh
Check it out!)
Ladies, just pick a flavor
No promise, it's just a maybe
Knock out, go for the title
(How many girls wanna check the vibe on?)
Fellas bring the beat in
(Breath in, breath out
And I'm freakin')
Close turn, whisper what I wanna do
(How many girls wanna pump it on you?)
(Jump it up!)
Do it to me, do it to me
(Jump it up!)
Do it to me, do it to me
(Jump it up!)
Do it to me, do it to me
(Jump it up!)
All this candy
This is what I'm gottin if you're
Do it, make something on me
Candy, yours this candy
When this missy
Really got the floor
gettin' busy
Can you handle this
All this candy
Candy, candy
How many boys wanna...
How many boys wanna
How many boys wanna
How many boys wanna
How many boys want it nice and easy
How many boys really wanna please me
How many boys looking fine and tempty
Cuz we the girls gonna bring them candy
All this candy
This is what I'm gottin' if you're
Do it, make something on me
Candy, yours this candy
When this missy
Really got the floor
gettin' busy
Can you handle thïs
All thïs candy
Candy, candy

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 340

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