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Chris Brown ft Lil Wayne - I Can Transform Ya

(Lil Wayne)
Go hey Lil Mama,
I can transform ya,
No I can't dance, but I can dance on ya,
Swizz on the beat, Chris move ya feet,
And baby I can transform your him to a me,
I can change your life, make it so new,
Make you never want to go back to the old you,
Ciroc and lime, give it to a lil time,
And she can transform like Optimus Prime

(Chris Brown)
Need a ride,
I can range you up,
You can ride your own,
No longer be the passenger,
Swag low, I build you up,
Knees, we can stand you up,
Red lips, red dress, like em like a fire truck,

What you need, you can have that,
My black card, they don't decline that,
See potential in ya, let me mould that,
I can transform ya, I can transform ya,

I can transform ya, I can transform ya,
Anything ya want, I can (I can) get it for ya,
You're my baby girl,
Shoulda known I did it for ya,
I can trans, I can trans, I can transform ya,

Shoes-you got it (got it)
Bags-you got it (got it)
Cars- you got it (got it)
money-still got it (got it),
I can transform ya, I can transform ya,
Anything you want I can (I can) get it for ya,

(Chris Brown)
See me in the video, you can have it really though,
Iced out everything, break you like an eskimo,
wanna fly, we can go, anywhere you wanna go,
Jimmy Choos in Italy, Louie V in Tokyo,

something like Pinnochio,
if you lie down imma grow,
wanna see me do it big,
i can show you how it goes,
take you from an amateur to being professional,
(I can have you swag surfing – autotune)

What you need, you can have that,
my black card
see potential in ya,
let me mould that,


[Lil Wayne]
I can transform ya like a transformer,
i can turn you from a human to a Carter,
take you off the bench and turn ya to a starter,
then take you home and put you on a charger,
then (then) my cars transforms to a charter,
and we can fly to wherever you ever thought of,
hehe, i take you to wherever its warmer,
then i gotta rip off your dress like a warm up,
hehe, but Im just getting warmed up,
so tell your man he better get his voltron up,
i transform her to a Ducati and then I transform me to a Bugatti,
cos her form puts me in a trance,
i transform smaller and she puts me in her pants,
Swiss on the Beat, Chris move ya feet
and we can transform a good girl to a freak,


Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 394

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