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Chris Isaak - 5:15

Oh, 5:15 is just a train.
5:24 it leaves the station again.
Tell me why.
Did she go?

5:15 is just a line.
Big black train took the girl of mine.
Tell me where does she go?
Tell me where does she go?

What big dreams we had,
Now I watch those dreams all fade and die.
What big plans we had,
Now I watch those trains go rolling by.
Rolling by, rolling by.
I'm watching the trains.
The trains.

5:15 is just a train.
5:24 it leaves the station again.
Tell me why did she go?
Tell me why did she go?
I'm watching the trains.
The trains.
The trains.
The trains.
The trains.
The trains the trains the traïns.......

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 465

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