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Cherys - Killa

Yo Joc, I don't think they ready for this one

Cherish, They make me wanna lose control, Yeah, You know who it is, Joc, Dark Child


Saw him from a distance and I watch him make his way to the bar
He walked up to me slowly whispers and he says I know who you are
I wanna get to know you

I could tell he was playa, but he knows just how to make ya, Lose control
Somehow I knew

Shawty is a killa
But I really want him and I gotta have him tonight
Shawty a heartbreaker, but it really don't matter cause I really want him tonight

The way he licks his lips, I'm in a infatuated state of mind oh yeah
He's so hard to resist, I gotta tell you baby boy you're so fine
Just gotta have you oh yeah

I could tell he was playa, but he knows just how to make ya, Lose control
If you only knew that Shawty is a killa

Shawty is a killa
But I really want him (But I really want him) and I gotta have him tonight (And I gotta have him)
Shawty a heartbreaker, but it really don't matter cause I really want him tonight (Tonight)
Shawty is a killa
But I really want him and I gotta have him tonight
Shawty a heartbreaker, (Heartbreaker) but it really don't matter cause I really want him tonight (Cause I really want him tonight Oh oh)

It feels so wrong that it must it must be right
And I'm so high don't wanna come down, just let me fly


Shawty is a killa (Shawty is a killa)
But I really want him (Oooh) and I gotta have him tonight (Tonight)
Shawty a heartbreaker, (Shawty a Heartbreaker) but it really don't matter (But it really don't matter) cause I really want him (Ohhh baby) tonight (Tonight)
Shawty is a killa (I want you baby)
But I really want him (Gotta have you baby) and I gotta have him (Even if it's for tonight, I gotta have you) tonight
Shawty a heartbreaker, (Oohh) but it really don't matter cause I really want him (Cause I really want you) tonight (And I gotta have you)

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 439

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