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C-BLOCK - Eternal grace

As I look to the sky, throw my hands up and pray to Jesus to eas us
this pain is enough, believe us
Betreat us main from down on hell as you know,
it really would't ment for what's the beared down below
As I look to the sky, with the tear from my eye,
cause everyday we struggle and everyday we die, Why?
Are we forgivven for the glamour we gave to third life
I'm full's grifted death trapped in this mase
Wrest in peace to the real, Tupac Shakur resolecl like last week,
come back and give me more motivation, the real inspiration Yo,
the elevation of my soul to a high plato
Now, dear Lord, forgive us if we you I shoot to kill,
black on black crime has turn us apart for real.
I hope you feel my words fly. The fine eternal grace 'til you die

Eternal grace is coming down to take my pain away
I will stay strong, I will go on, to find eternal grace

I'm praying on my knees for my folks and my enemies
G.O.D. can you please help me?
I say that live is too much pain goin' insane,
the sewaside thoughts runnin' round and thrue my brain
I look into the mirror, but what that i see?
A man try to bee free from inside me.
Seperate the game from reality, now I know
I too come up from down below. Then my life on slow,
keep them drugs on my flow. It's my life!
and now it's time to take control,
the game is complexed for your mind and your health,
so find eternal grace for your self

Eternal grace is coming down to take my pain away
I will stay strong, I will go on, to find eternal grace
Eternal grace is coming down to take my pain away
I will stay strong, I will go on, to fïnd eternal grace

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 324

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