[Rap 1]
Da first nigga to slip's
the first nigga I'm a trip on
get my flip on lay em down N
get my dip on out the back door
see my Benzo I'm in it I pull a jack in a minute
got dem Hoochy's gettin' freaky in the
backroom cuz on the microphone I'm
funky like the bathroom
it's just a new Generation of invincble 'G's
we got mic's N gatz N nutz
hangin' to our knees at ease nigga freeze
If you step into my area I carry a strong
mind flo till I'm blind
it's summertime feel m rhyme
lookin' for a dime need to get my head
right now watch me flo so tïght
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 295
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