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Weezer - Butterfly

Yesterday I went outside
With my momma's mason jar
Caught a lovely Butterfly

When I woke up today
And looked in on my fairy pet
She had withered all away
No more sighing in her breast
I'm sorry for what I did
I did what my body told me to
I didn't mean to do you harm
But everytime I pin down what I think I want
It slips away - the ghost slips away

I smell you on my hand for days
I can't wash away your scent
If I'm a dog then you're a bitch

I guess you're as real as me
Maybe I can live with that
Maybe I need fantasy
A life of chasing Butterfly
I told you I would return
When the robin makes his nest
But I ain't never comin' back
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 6, 2012

Vizualizari: 424

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