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Voodoo & Serano - Give me the power

You give me the power
Like the sunrise in the mornin
Got the powa
Can you see it in my eye's?

We're gona try, you live or die
your gonna find out why tonight.
Your gonna win, your luck is in,
the prize is now in site

and I'll keep you by my side
Journey on through our adventure
Eye's open wide, we'll see the light
I know, we'll be alright

Chorus (2x):
You give me the power
Like the sunrise in the morning
Got the power
Can you see it in my eyes's
Give me the power
Even when the night is falling
Every hour
I will fight for what is right
Give me the power

Awaking from the ordinary life
I feel the edge upon my spirit's knife
I have the power at last
I won't let the die be cast
I'll fight as long as I'm alïve


Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 6, 2012

Vizualizari: 411

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