Bem bere, vin
Nu whiskey, gin
Iubim din plin
Spaga, coruptia
Multe nu stim,
Nu glumim
E o traditie p-aici de cand noi suntem mici
Iubim s-avem dolarii, uram s-avem servici
Ce imi pasa mie de-ncalzirea globala
Vrem dolar, dolar, .....
o, o,
o, o, sus pe bar
o, o ca totul e legal
o, o, sus pe bar
o, o, sus pe bar
o, o, sus pe bar
o, o ca totul e legal
vreau sa vad toate fetele
sus pe bar, sus pe bar, sus pe bar
vreau sa le vad la toate tatele
cum .....
Te duci la doctor, mori fara bani
Daca nu-i duci nimic crapi la treij' de ani
Daca ai o problema vinzi de pe tine
Sa bagi in buzunare ce-accepta fara rusine
Eu va urez sa aveti sanatate
Ca daca astia nu vad plicul nu se poate
Aici este .....
now picture this a man wit his whole thing in order
movin through life at will he ill
he make his own teeth growl wit his generous style
but he still no joke wit his wisdom and smile
givin pounds all around no need to act foolish
enjoy the time .....
Ha haa London music present to you ,
Qpido Level whit The Pitzi song..
Listen boys and girls..
If you get to know my world
It`s not easy bein` a doll
Watch my Gucci on the floor
Aaa aa aah
If you get to know my world
Everybody get up it's time to slam now
We got a real jam goin' down
Welcome to the Space Jam
Here's your chance, do your dance at the Space Jam
Come on and slam, and welcome to the jam
Come on and slam, if you wanna jam
Nu inceta sa speri ca voi veni
Si-ti voi sopti...
Daca vrei din cer sa alegi o stea
Stiu ca iti doresti sa fiu eu steaua ta
Privirea ta sa vina spre lumina mea.
In mii de scantei vreau sa ma prefac
Sa patrund usor sa aprind inima ta, .....
In amintirea ta...
In amintirea ta...
E prima oara cand tu gresesti
Mi-as fi dorit sa nu te cunosc
Credeam in noi dar m-am inselat
Spune-mi cine e vinovat.
Poti sa speri, poti sa crezi, dar nu ma cauta
M-ai mintit, .....
They were talking in whispers
In bear skins and fur
Captain Scott and his heroes to be
To have laboured so long
To have made it this far
Ooh it's been such a long ride
Ooh you know it's been a long way
For a human human human
I'm just the pieces of the man I used to be
Too many bitter tears are raining down on me
I'm far away from home
And I've been facing this alone
For much too long
I feel like no-one ever told the truth to me
About growing up and what a .....