Unforgettable, thats what you are
Unforgettable, though near or far
Like a song of love that clings to me
How the thought of you does things to me
Never before has someone been more
Unforgettable, in every way
And forevermore, (And forevermore)
Unforgettable, That's what you are.
Unforgettable, Though near or far.
Like a song of love that clings to me,
How the thought of you does things to me.
Never before has someone been born.
Unforgettable in every way.
And forevermore .....
Here it comes again
Cannot out run my desire
Cover my decent
And throw the
Beauty on the fire
Drawn towards the edge
Do I assume I could fly
Every secret shared
Why do I drink
The feelings dry
Don't go too far
Limitation .....
Sitting on the edge of a an un-chair
Me seatbelt un-fastend
Shoelaces not tied
Letting the wind mess my hair
Makeup all smudged
Wake up all blury-eyed
Its too early in the morning
For my words to come out right
Just .....
Now lay me down on market street
I'm lookin' for some spare change
A coast guard ship has been lookin' for me
And I might have to change my name
Here comes Uncle Sam again with the same old bag of beans
The local chief's on the radio
cristi nco e aici pt. voi
direct din berceni unde nu e razboi e pace si armonie ne trezim din betzie
c-un pliculetz de sare de lamaie cumparat cu o mie
e primu videomix am consumat un pix
da merita efortu rimele merg la fix
nimic nu ma opreste sa fac tot .....
To whom it may concern,
You might sell a million more than me,
But you dont got a million more than me,
Lets get it real.
Lets do this thing.
Now I dont normally do this,
But ahh, lets get it.
Toti filosofi studiaza un mare cacat
caci viata nu e un lucru de studia
E doar doar o iluzie
Fiecare traieste doar ptr a muri
Toti ne ucide singuri in fiecare zi
Tu nu fumezi nu bei doar ptr a amana inevitabilul
Atunci lasa ca o fak io si ptr tine ptr .....
Mi de tovarasi cad
Uni se duc la parnae alti mor
Dar ce`i mai multi sunt corupi de * lor
La fel sa intamplat si cu bunu`l nostru tovaras sandu
Care in revelionu lui 2007 femeie isi face
Si deatunci * in ei tovarasi isi baga
Deatunci tot avea sa se .....
I'm a fool for your love
And it scares me somehow
What I do for your love
And what I need from you now
It's all because of you
You've gone beyond all my pride
To where my dream world begins
To where the little man hides
I .....