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Velvet - Chemistry

Na nanana na nanana (2x)

It's the perfect night
To go out and do it right
One look into your eyes
Sets the emotion
Don't need psychology
With this biology
officialty is ever flowing
All I really wanna do is feel your love
Get into the rhythm of the two of us
Wanna feel your love can't get enough

I feel the chemistry
Between you and me
There's electricity
when you're touching me
I feel the chemistry
Pulled by a gravity
I want you touching me
I feel you touching me

The way my body acts
When your body moves like that
It's science in control
And we're defenceless
It's in the D.N.A.
that we feel this way
So let the music play
"Release the tension"

All I really wanna do is feel love
Get into the rhythm of the two of us
wanna feel your love can't get enough

I feel the chemistry
Between you and me
There's electricity
when you're touching me
I feel the chemistry
Pulled by a gravity
I want you touching me
I feel you touchïng me

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 6, 2012

Vizualizari: 393

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