You keep telling me
That I'm way too sure
Of you loving me long time
But I bet you always will
In so many ways
I've run off on you
And you've been loving me long time
And I bet you always will
We're inseparable
Cause your soul's with mine
And you've, you've been loving me so long
And I bet you always will
We could be on separate planets
Mars and Venus, heart to heart
No spaces between us
Cause you know, hearts don't lie
I can stay here inside in this here city
And you go sail here across the ocean
I bet you always will
You can't take away
And you can't forget
That if you been loving me long time
And I bet you always will
You are worthy
Cause it's evident
That you been loving me so long
And I bet you always will
We could be on separate planets
Mars and Venus, heart to heart
No spaces between us
Cause you know, hearts don't lie
I can stay here inside in this here city
And you can go sail the ocean
I bet you always will
We could be on separate planets
The Earth or the Moon
Heart to heart, we're still in tune
And you know, you know, hearts don't lie
I don't even care if we're not together
Cause that's the part that never lasts forever
I bet you always will
We could be on separate planets
Mars and Venus, heart to heart
No spaces between us
Cause you know, you know, hearts don't lie
I can stay here inside in this here city
And you can sail the ocean
I bet you always will
I bet you always wïll...
Categoria: Versuri melodii
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Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 336
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