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Tiziano Ferro feat. Kelly Rowland - Breath Gentle

I want to give you all of me, the underneath,
want you to show me imperfection is actually love
I thought, cursed, I was cursed, destined to be lonely
a circle in a world of squares where nobody knows me
So with every footstep I must follow the kissing moments
I thought were impossible

Breathe gentle, be gentle
don’t leave me behind
cause love goes faster
gentle, be gentle
never let me go when love goes faster
I will be gentle

See, photographs have only two dimensions
but love defies all logic in a picture
above all that is physical, I’m falling
Falling uncontrollably, it terrifies me, so

So if my compass, it fails me
and I feel I’m walking blind
don’t say goodbye don’t let me hide
oh please don’t let me spiral
tortured by you, oh, sweet torture!
I am a pirate, love my fortune
the walls have fallen now
the key is yours to turn, I’m breathing

Breathe gentle, be gentle
don’t leave me behind
cause love goes faster
gentle, be gentle
never let me go when love goes faster
I will be gentle

Every time I run somehow love is faster
Without you loneliness is everlasting
I still feel you but I hear you loudly
Screaming: “please wait for me”
Cause I don’t want to hurt you
And I don’t want to loose this love this time.

Se cerco lo vedo, l'amore va veloce e tu stai indietro

Se cerchi mi vedi Il bene piů segreto
sfugge all'uomo che non guarda avantï ma

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 303

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