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The Jet Set - Time To Party

Let's party, you got the right to party x2

Hey guys, you really know what I like (just like that)
You know − that I'm really fine ( I like that )
When it's raining and bad news is on tv
Don't get crazy

Let's party, you got the right to party

Hey guys − you know what turns me on (on, on)

come let it go baby, let it show baby,
let me know what makes your mind blow, uh
and makes you loose it at night

Don't get crazy

You know it's your right to party

Come with me − because it's time to party ( yeah )
Join me − and let's go to a party ( come on )
Everybody has a right to party − get crazy
Why dont you get crazy, crazy
Come with me − because it's time to party ( oh yeah )
Join me − and let's go to a party
You know you really got to get down
Come to a party with me
Just party with me

Every little moment is so special for me
I' a litlebit crazy, crazy, like a baby, oh
You got it going baby
When it's raining and bad news is on tv
Don't get crazy
Let's party, you got the right to party
Hey guys − you really know what I like (just like that)
You know that I'm really hot ( yeah, yeah, yeah, you are )
Don't get crazy
You know it's your right to party

Come with me − because it's time to party ( yeah )
Join me − and let's go to a party ( come on )
Everybody has a right to party − get crazy
Baby, keep it up keep the party alive
Come with me − because it's time to party ( oh yeah )
Join me − and let's go to a party
Think I'm going crazy right now
Come to a party with me
Just party with me

This is true love baby yes it's true
you got the loving I need and I always will be there for you
I'm your baby ( yeah , yeah, yeah )
I'm really your baby yeah
Let's go

Come with me − because it's time to party ( yeah )
Join me − and let's go to a party ( come on )
Everybody has a right to party − get crazy
baby are you ready to keep it up keep the party alive
Come with me − because it's time to party ( oh yeah )
Join me − and let's go to a party
You know you really got to get down
Come to a party with me
you better get crazy so one more
Come to a party with me
Just party wïth me ( yeah )

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 338

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