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Sterling Knight - Hero

I'm no superman
I can't take your hand
And fly you anywhere
You wanna go, yeah
I can't read your mind
Like a billboard sign
And tell you everinthink
You wanna hear
But i'll be your hero

I, I can be everinthink you need
If you're the one for me
Like gravity,
I'll be unstoppable
I, Yeah i belive in destiny
I may be an ordinary guy
With heart and soul
But if you're the one for me
x2:Then i'll be your hero
Could you be the one, Could you be the one, Could you be the one for me?

Searchimg high and low
Trying every row
But if i see your face
How will i know?
I put my trust in faith
That you will come my way
And if it's right
it's undeniable, yeah
I'll be your hero


So incredible
Some kind of miracle
And when it's meant to be
I'll become a hero-o
So i'll wait, wait, wait
Waït for you
Yeah, I'll be your hero


Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 500

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