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stella(*victoria scobioala*) - go on right track

I love to sing
scene makes me happy
can make you smile
for I world

i am a part
of life
and heart
in love

go on right track
remember that rock
not the crazy
and not the lazy
go on right track

be the best
go athead
all you feel you say
you away
not to be

not to be
you away
all you feel you say
go athead
be the best

e, e, ea
arcs will happen
sing yes , yes
dream, no more
life based
shaking up the scene

go on right track
remember that rock
not the crazy
and not the lazy
go on right track

go on right track
remember that rock
not the crazy
and not the lazy
go on right track

go, on , right, track

yes, yes yes, yes

go, on, right, track

go, on , right, track

go on right track

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 310

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