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Spin - Again

I wish you were here
To listen what I hear
All the whispers and the tears
I wish I wasn't here alone
To feel the emptiness
I'm left behind

You were always in my heart,
And you, let me believe in me
You were always in my mind
And you, teached me to breathe


Don't let me decide
I said, I'm sorry
Don't let me go
I said, I care
Why don't you forget the things
I've done to you
I want you near me, I want you near me
I want you to be there, by my side.

Oh don't let me go
I said, I love you
Don't let me decide
I said, I care
Why don't you forget the things
I've done were wrong
I want you near me, I want you near me
I want you near me...again

I wish I couldn't go
Back in time to see you through
Your eyes so sad and blue
I wish I could see your soul
So beautiful and free
As happy it could be

You were always in my heart,
And you, let me believe in me
You were always in my mind
And you, teached me to breathe


Don't let me decide
I said, I'm sorry
Don't let me go
I said, I care
Why don't you forget the things
I've done to you
I want you near me, I want you near me
I want you to be there, by my side.

Oh don't let me go
I said, I love you
Don't let me decide
I said, I care
Why don't you forget the things
I've done were wrong
I want you near me, yes I want you near me
I want you near me...again.

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 274

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