I'll wait for you a 100 years
I'll wait for you from dusk till dawn
I'll wait for you untill the day
you come home
I'll sing for you a 100 songs
I'll sing for you beautiful words
I'll sing for you untill the day
you come home
my love is not ordinary
my love is for you and only
be with you wherever you may go
so baby please don't give away my love
for you see
my love is not ordinary
my love is for you and only
be with you wherever you may go
so baby please don't give away my love
I'll pray for you a 100 years
I'll pray for you from dusk till dawn
I'll pray for you untill the day
you come home
my love is not ordinary
my love is for you and only
be with you wherever you may go
so baby please don't give away my love
for you see
my love is not ordinary
my love is for you and only
be with you wherever you may go
so baby please don't gïve away my love
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 249
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