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Saving Jane - Come down to me

Words fall out of my mouth
And I can`t see to trace what I`m say`n
Everybody wants your time
I`m just dreamin` out loud
I can`t have you for mine
And I know well:I just wanna` want your soul

Trippin` up on my tongue
It`s all over my face
And I embrasse it
Gota` get away from you
Burn it all the way home
Try to put it together by the traces
Every litle thing I do

When the light falls on your face don`t let it change you
When the sun gets in your eyes don`t let it blind you

Ref:You`re beautiful
Just the way you are
And I love it all
Every line and every scar
And I wish that I can make you see
This is where you`re ought to be
Come down to me

Spell it out in the sun
`Bet you`ll never catch on to my weekness
I`m sayn` every word for you
Bearin` things and I`m still alive
And you`re catchin` my eye
And just maybe you think I wanna` think it too

When you see it on my face don`t let it shake you
I know better: than just try and take you wïth me...


Come down to me...

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 245

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