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Safura - Drip drop

You are my man,
You are my half
Tell me what's happening
I know something's wrong
I can tell when you lie
I can tell you stopped trying

And these last three weeks passed and we barely talk
I think I know and it’s breaking my heart
Am I in or am I out?

Can I love you forever through this?
Can I trust in you forever through this?
I don’t know how to stop,
How to stop
These tear drops
That drip drop, drip drop
Drip drop, drip drop
These tear drops
That drip drop, drip drop
Drip drop, drip drop

Tell me where have you been?
Why are you late?
You smell like lipstick, again
Come on, answer my question, say something
Why are you acting out? Or say it’s in my head
I don’t wanna end

Can I love you forever through this?
Can I trust in you forever through this?
I don’t know how to stop,
How to stop
These tear drops
That drip drop, drip drop
Drip drop, drip drop

I don’t wanna cry,
I don’t wanna hear your name
If this is how it is
I don’t wanna run,
Run away from myself
And be lost again

Oh no no no, oh no no no
forever through this?
I don’t know how to stop,
how to stop
These tear drops,
That drip drop, drip drop
Drip drop, drip drop

These tear drops,
That drip drop, drip drop
Drip drop, drïp drop

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 313

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