Numai noi..suntem impreuna...
Numai noi...sub clar de luna..
Suntem doi!..fericiti in munte...
Tu si eu..cuplul fericirii..
Eu si tu..vis al implinirii..
Iar in par!..porti tot flori de munte..
Vom fi singuri prin vant si pe .....
Timpul se face tacut,
din umbra vietii noastre, si noi pe zi ce trece tot mai mult
il judecam si nu-i dam pace.
ne amuzam de clipele traite
ca sunt si au fost parte din trecut
insa un sentiment asa .....
-alo iubirea mea
-stii ca ai gresi
-ce am facut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nu mai vrei iubire nu ma mai vrei pe mine
hai sa luam totul de la-n ceput iartama te rog sufletul meu
pentru iubirea ce a fost intre noi
hai sa ne aducem aminte amandoi
Ruthless jaws of time tearing at my mind.
Countless restless years of old and dry tears.
The winged force of the mind, the releaser of the blind.
Time is bleeding, death is mine
Kill, bury your sanity.
Journey beyond wildest dreams, dimensional shifts .....
Step off the train, walking down your street again
Passed your door, but you don't live there anymore
It's years since you've been there, and now you've disappeared somewhere
To outta space, you've found some better place
And .....
because it cuts so deep to see myself wishing upon melting stars
I cut the cord I finally give in...
beyond visions of wretched smiles
and the dread that they've befriended
I have seen an end to you and I
(when did .....