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Robert Miles - One and one

The sky isn't always blue
The sun doesn't always shine
It's alright to fall apart sometimes
I am not always you
And you are not always mine
It's alright to fall apart sometimes

After all is said and done
One and one still is one
When we cry, when we laugh
I am half, you are half

The heart isn't always true
And I am not always fine
We all have an angry heart sometimes

After all is said and done
One and one still is one
When we cry, when we laugh
I am half, you are half

Look how far we have come
One and one still is

One moon (one moon), one star (one star)
I love the one we are
One thread (one thread), one line (one line)
Let's stand still in time

One moon (one moon), one star (one star)
I love the one we are
One thread (one thread), one line (one line)
That runs through our lives

After all is said and done
One and one still is one
When we cry, when we laugh
I am half, you are half

Look how far we have come
One and one still is one

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 284

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