I like pleasure spike with pain
and music is my aeroplane
It's my aeroplane
Songbird sweet and sour Jane
and music is my aeroplane
It's my aeroplane
Pleasure spike with pain
that mother fucker always spike with pain
Looking in my own eyes "hello"
I can't find the love I want
Someone better slap me
Before I start to rust
Before I start to decompose
Looking in my rearview mirror
Looking in my rearview mirror
I can make it disappear
I can make it disappear "have no fear"
Repeat chorus:
Sitting in my kitchen "hey girl
I'm turning into dust again
My melancholy baby
The star of mazzy must
Push her voice inside of me
I'm overcoming gravity
I'm overcoming gravity
It's easy when you're sad to be
It's easy when you're sad "said 'bout me"
Repeat chorus:
Just one note
Could make me float
Could make me float away
One note from
The song she wrote
Could fuck me where I lay
Just one note
Could make me choke
One note that's
Not a lie
Just one note
Could cut my throat
One could make me die
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 306
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