What in the world is a girl to do?
When in this smokey place I only see you
Was far away when you caught my eye?
You've brought me back and now you're makin' me high
I was alone out there
With no one else around
Now I've fallen for you
And there's no comin' down
Till there was you
I know what you're needin'
My thoughts are leadin'
Me straight into your eyes
I'm lookin' right at you
This feelin' is all new
I want you addicted to me
Faith can act in a courious way
When all that mattered it means nothin' today
All that conserns me, that drenches my thoughts
Is this sensation that seein' you brought
I was alone out there
With no one else around
Now I've fallen for you
And there's no comin' down
Till there was you
I know what you're needin'
My thoughts are leadin'
Me straight into your eyes
I'm lookin' right at you
This feelin' is all new
I want you addicted to me
I was alone out there
With no one else around
Now I've fallen for you
And there's no comin' down
Till there was you
I know what you're needin'
My thoughts are leadin'
Me straight into your eyes
I'm lookin' right at you
This feelin' is all new
I want you addïcted to me
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 334
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