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Pussycat Dolls - Are you gonna go my way

I was born long ago
I am the chosen I'm the one
I have come to save the day
And I won't leave until I'm done
So that's why you've got to try
You got to breath and have some fun
Though I'm not paid I play this game
And I won't stop until I'm done

But what I really want to know is
Are you gonna go my way?
And I got to got to know

I don' tknow why we always cry
This we must leave and get undone
We haven't changed and rearranged
And turn this planet back to one
So tell me why we got to die
And kill each other one by one
we've got to love and rub-a-dub
We've got to dance and fall in love

But what I really want to know is
Are you gonna go my way?
And I got to got to know

But what I really want to know ïs
Are you gonna go my way?
And I got to got to know got to know

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 337

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