I feel good when they are near you
I feel good when you're near me
But you do not feel you near me
I feel like not breathing,
R: Because, Because
I love you very very much
And I can not forget
Trying in vain
You regained
But not, But not
I can not conquer
Try it, try it, and i try it in vain May
I, i tried, I, i tried
I, i struggled, I, i struggled
And I did, and I did
I won, I won
I will never forget
Because you were my love
And I will not forget
R: Because, Because
I love you very very much
And I can not forget
Trying in vain
You regained
But not, But not
I can not conquer
Try it, try it, and i try it in vain May
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 393
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