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One night only - Just for tonight

Way across the plains
The lights spell out a code
no one knows where they take us
but we’ll search till we grow old
All the paths they lead
To the single solemn place
Then we’ll stay for the weekend
And leave without a trace

Just for tonight
Just maybe we’ll make it
Sing like you want this
Sing like you want this

Just for tonight
Just maybe we’ll make it
Sing like you want this
Sing like you want this

We can take tonight
Take our time
Sing liek you need this
Maybe you want to
All the paths they lead
To a little standing place
And if you stay for the weekend
We’d leave without a trace

Just for tonight
Just maybe we’ve made it
Sing like you want this
Sing like you want this

Just for tonight
Just maybe we’ve made it
Sing like you want this
Sing like you want this

lalalala lalalalala
lalalala lalalalala

Just for tonight
Just for tonight
Just maybe we’ve made it
Sing liek you want this
Sing like you want this

Just for tonight
Just maybe we’ll make it
Sing like you want this
Sing like you want thïs

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 339

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