Never have ever in all my life never have I felt like this
You came along and changed my life with just one little kiss with just one little kiss
Instantly I fell for you just like I knew I would
Desperately I'm a holdin' on just like I know I should
Never have ever in all my life never have had it so good
You came along and filled my life just like I knew you would just like I knew you would
[ guitar ]
Never have ever in all my life never have I felt like this
You came along and changed my life with just one little kiss with just one little kiss
Fatherly you fell for me just like I hoped you would
And constantly I cling to you just like I know I should
Never have ever in all my life...
Kust like I know I should just like I know I should
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 408
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