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Neil Young - After The Garden

Won't need no shadow man
Runnin' the government
Won't need no stinkin'war
Won't need no haircut
Won't need no shoe shine

After the garden is gone
After the garden is gone
After the garden is gone

What will people do
After the garden is gone?
What will people say
After the garden?

Won't need no strong man
Walkin' through the night
To live a weak man's day
Won't need no purple haze
Won't need no sunshine

After the garden is gone
After the garden is gone
After the garden is gone

Where will people go
After the garden is gone?
What will people know
After the garden?

After the garden is gone
After the garden is gone
After the garden is gone
After the garden is gone
After the garden is gone

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 259

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