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Mariah Carey - After tonight


I look at you looking at me
Feels like a feeling meant to be
And as your body moves with mine
It's like I'm lifted out of time

And time again
Patientiy I've waited
For this moment to arrive

After tonight
Will you remember
How sweet and tenderly
You reached for me
And pulled me closer
After you go
Will you return to love me
After tonight begins to fade

I feel your touch caressing me
This feeling's all I'll ever need
With every kiss from your sweet lips
It's like I'm drifting out of time

Alone will tell
If you feel the way I feel
When I look in your eyes

After tonight
(After tonight)
Will you remember
(Will you remember)
How sweet and tenderly
You reached for me
And pulled me closer
After you go
(After you go)
Will you return to love me
After the night becomes the day

And time and time again
(Time and time again)
So patiently I've waited
For this moment to arrive

After tonight
(After tonight)
Will you remember
How sweet and tenderly
You reached for me
And pulled me closer
After you go
Baby will you return to love me
After the night becomes the day
After tonight begins
To fade

After all
After all
After all
When the morning comes
When the morning comes
After tonight
Begins to fade
(After tonight)
Begïns to

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 336

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