We're behaving like two strangers
In the glowing night
We have lost so many feelings
In this endless spite
If you want to go away
Now I must obey
But for my part you'll remain
Always in my heart
Tell me why
Why I have to say goodbye
Was our love only a foolosh lie
Tell me why
Your eyes are cold and dry
No more tears, no more fears
Nothing more to share together
Tell me why
We have to say goodbye
Why we broke our wings in flight
Tell me why
Couldn't we just try
To forgive and believe
We can reach the sky
Tell me why
We have to say goodbye
Was our love only a foolosh lie
Tell me why
Your eyes are cold and dry
No more tears, no more fears
Nothing more to share together
Tell me why
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 211
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