Oh, I beg you, can I follow?
Oh, I ask you, wanna always
Be the ocean, where I unravel
Be my only, be the water where I'm wading
You're my river running high, run deep, run wild
I, I follow, I follow you
Deep sea baby, I follow you
I, I follow, I follow you
Dark room honey, I follow you
Heed a message, I'm the runner
He's the rebel, I'm the daughter waiting for you
You're my river running high, run deep, run wild
I, I follow, I follow you
Deep sea baby, I follow you
I, I follow, I follow you
Dark room honey, I follow you
You're my river running high, run deep, run wïld
I, I follow, I follow you
Deep sea baby, I follow you
I, I follow, I follow you
Dark room honey, I follow you
I, I follow, I follow you
Deep sea baby, I follow you
I, I follow, I follow you
Dark room honey, I follow you
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 218
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