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Lora - Come along(feat Sonny Flame)

Sonny Flame:
A watch this yuh dunno
Sonny Flame along side Lora,
Y'already know!
FlyState inna the building again...
This is the place
Where the music lives forever!

I wanna know wha'ya feel,
Let me touch you foe real
Listen up,
You're my queen...Yeah!
I fell in love since I met you,
Tell me wha'you feel!
A wha'you feel?Oh yeah!

I want you're love,
But you're miles away
Come to me,
Bring joy to me every day
Don't worry love
I'm one night away
come boy,
i'll be loving you everyday

Come along, I want ya
From the day I found ya
You can be my wonder
I wanna love you longer

Come along, I want ya
From the day I found ya
You can be my wonder
I wanna love you longer

Sonny Flame:
Come baby shine on my way,
Like ray a the light
You werw born to rise,
I wanna set you free...
Come shine on my way,
me no like people lies
I know..
Our love is burning me

I want you're love,
But you're miles away
Come to me,
Bring joy to me every day
Don't worry love
I'm one night away
come boy,
i'll be loving you everyday

Come along, I want ya
From the day I found ya
You can be my wonder
I wanna love you longer

Come along, I want ya
From the day I found ya
You can be my wonder
I wanna love you longer

Sonny Flame:
Gimme the Calypso,
Gal a wanna pon the wall
Deem a lovin' the bannana,
Man a bossman on the canna
Fi the gal dem inna the place,
Me the realest Don Dadda
Bon babylon, me fly upon the low

Gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme the
Gimme the gimme the gimme the lova'!

Sonny & Lora
Gimme gimme gimme gimme
Gimme the gimme the gimme
The gïmme the lova'!

Come along, I want ya
From the day I found ya
You can be my wonder
I wanna love you longer

Come along, I want ya
From the day I found ya
You can be my wonder
I wanna love you longer

Come along, I want ya
From the day I found ya
You can be my wonder
I wanna love you longer

Come along, I want ya
From the day I found ya
You can be my wonder
I wanna love you longer

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 247

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