I don't want to spend another day;
Pointing fingers while im placing blame.
I'm no angel, imperfect myself;
'Cause baby I am only human.
And I don't want to put it all on you;
I can admit I did some painful things it's true.
And i'm sorry for them, I'm making amends;
For always thinking I was innocent.
Starting today, I'm gonna change
don't wanna make the same mistakes.
'Cause I can see a new horizon;
the ice around my heart is melting.
And the hurt i feel is slowly dying;
Now I'm no longer crying.
The bridge we burnt is being built again;
It's leading to a new beginning.
And it may never be the way it was;
And that's because i'm talking about.
I wish we could take back the things we said;
'Cause what we said is not always what we meant.
We lost our heads in the moment;
And the words we used them like a weapon.
But no one thinks that we will walk away;
And we hate being the people we became.
I wonder bout that; We're better than that.
And I still cherish all the things we had.
Starting today, I'm gonna change
don't wanna make the same mistakes.
If everybody could forgive and forget; (just forget)
Think of all the time that we could spend being friends.
Think about all the lives we could change;
And all the love we could make.
And maybe how the world would be a better place;
In the end.
Starting today;
I hope that we will change.
And not make the same mistakes.
Do you know that
I can see a new horizon?
The ice around my heart is melting;
And the hurt I feel is slowly dying.
Now i'm no no no
The bridge we burnt is being built again;
It's leading to a new beginning.
And it may never be the way it was;
And that's because I'm talking about.
If everyone could just forgive;
The world would be a much better place.
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 193
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