I'm sorry to have taken so long
It must have been a bitch while I was gone
You mind if I sit down for a while
You'll reacquaint yourself with my style
Well, how could you have waited so long
It must have been a bitch while I was gone
All this time you put up a fear
For a hundred thousand years
I'm sorry to have taken so long
It must have been a bitch while I was gone
All this time you put up a fear
For a hundred thousand years
And baby won't you let me
I think I'm goin' out of my head
I'm just about to, ooh yeah, ha
I'm sorry to have taken so long
It must have been a bitch while I was gone
You mind if I sit down for a while, would you babe
You'll reacquaint yourself wïth my style
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 177
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