Someone is smiling
Someone cries
Whatever it is it's alright
Someone is borning
Someone dies
Something is holding the light
It's standing in the line now
Standing in the line now
Standing here right now for you
Everything you do now
Everyhintg you are now
Creating it right now for you
It's a beautiful day
The sun's coming up
The sun's going down for you
It's a beautiful day
And everyone said the world's turning round for you
There's no need to be afraid
There is no need to deny
That everything is on this way
Life's going on in you mind
It's standing in the line now
Standing in the line now
Standing here right now for you
Everything you do now
Everything you are now
Creating it rïght now for you
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 161
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