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K's Choice - Dad

I was a kid, you were my dad
I didn't always understand
I wanted freedom, you got mad
You were concerned, I got upset
I didn't recognize you yet

And did you cry, I know I did
When I lied to you
I didn't want to hurt you
I just never knew I did

You never told me that you loved me
I know you didn't know how
I guess that shows we're much the same
'Cause I love you too and until now
I've never said those words out loud
I hope you're proud
To be my dad...

What are your secrets, do you pray
Is there a god that shows your way
I wish I knew...
Do you have crazy fantasies
What happens in your dreams
I want to know...

I guess you'll always be a mystery to me
But you taught me how to value lïfe
And what else do I need
I have a dad who watches over me

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 220

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