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Jimi Hendrix - Ain't no telling

Well, there ain't no,
Ain't no
Ain't no telling, baby
When you will see me again, but I pray
It will be tomorrow.

Well, the sunrise
Is burning my eyes, baby
I must leave now, but I really hope
To see you tomorrow

Well my house is, oh, such a sad mile away,
The feeling there always hangs up my day
Oh, Cleopatra, She's driving me insane,
She's trying to put my body in her brain.
So just kiss me goodbye, just to ease the pain.
Ain't no
Ain't no
Ain't no telling baby
Ain't no telling babe
Ain't no telling baby when you're gonna see me, but I really hope
It will be tomorrow
You know what I'm talking 'bout.
Ain't no tellïng
Sorry, but I must leave now

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 238

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