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Jessica - Back to you

When I first saw you I already knew
I was breakin my own heart when I fell for you
I meant to be moment of lovers taboo
When I let my mind wander it brings me right back there to you

What a beautiful house with the city lights few
No white picket fence
No porch swing for two
But the lights they just sparkle like your eyes used to do
When I let my mind wander it brings me right back there to you

I'll get away here's my chance to be free
Cause I can't feel tied down to something I don't see
But why do I stay married?
When I let my mind wander it brings me right back there to you
When I let my mind wander it brings me right back

How will find me through the thunder and the rain
Cast away these clouds filled with so much pain
Everytime that I ....
Everytime that I cry
Everytime that I say goodbye
It's cause I'm missin you
I'm missin you

When my mind wanders baby
It brings me right back

I should find peace in the still of the night
I lie awake cause you're not by my side
These arms of mine left empty cause you're not in my life
When I let my mind wander it brings me rïght back there to you

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 324

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