Come with me
I want to show you something
You dont see
Youve given up trying
Watch the leaves
Rustling in the wind
The summer breeze
Thats living and dying
Ah, Ah
Come with me
Remember when you were
So carefree
Laughing not crying
Spin around
And listen carefully
Can you hear the sound
Of living and dying
Its amazing, its amazing, this amazing life
Its amazing, its amazing, this amazing life
Come with me
Stop making it so hard
You can be
Laughing not crying
Nothings changed
Just got to recognise
That its a game
Of living and dying
Ah, Ah
Its amazing, its amazing, this amazing life
Its amazing, its amazing, this amazing life
Its amazing, its amazing, this amazing life
Its amazing, its amazing, this amazing life
Come on now baby please
Just look around
Look around its there
Its good to feel alive
Feel alive, feel alive
This amazing life
Its good to feel alive
Feel alive, feel alive
This amazing life
This amazing life
Relax its easy, relax its easy
This amazing life
Come on now baby please
This amazing life
Come on, come on, come on with me
Relax its easy, relax its easy
Look around, look around
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 276
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