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Jamie Fox - Get this money

Shorty, trust me when I say
You're looking john blaze
In your lingerie
And shorty, I like the way you play
And move about on stage
I won't be mad at u
For swingin' it my way

I've got my money on u
Big faces spankin' brand new
While I'm here this is what u
Need to do
Come and get this money
If you don't want everyone to see
Just how naughty u can really be
We can ease off to the v.i.p.
Come and get this money

Not too many, wear it quite as well
U can take care of yourself
It aint hard to tell
And not too many
Can go into a split
From standing to a sit
I aint mad at u, not one bit


[Bridge x2]
I got more than 5 on it
(Dance for me, dance for me)
I see u got your eyes on it
(Dance for me, dance for me)
So act like u know, are u trying to
Get this dough, or what?

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 297

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